35-082 Rzeszów / Polska
ul. Połonińska 15

tel.: +48 (17) 850 16 63
+48 (17) 850 10 30

KRS: 0000237487

NIP: 517 01 35 842

Share capital: 411 840 PLN

E-mail and phone contact depending on the matter:

e-mail: oferty@gcenergy.eu 

tel.: 17 850 16 64 wewn.21

For commercial matters we are at your disposal in foreign languages:

+48 662 073 220 

+48 725 202 209 

+39 340 128 9006 

+48 604 784 726 

e-mail: biuro@gcenergy.eu 

tel.: 17 850 16 64 wewn.14

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  • GC Energy sp. z o. o. (Headquarters)
    ul. Połonińska 15
    35-082 Rzeszów / Poland
  • GC Energy sp. z o. o. (branch in Italy)
    Via Orzinuovi 20
    25125 Brescia / Italy
  • GC Energy Sp. z o.o. (branch in Germany)
    Triebstrasse 2
    92224 Amberg / Germany
  • GC Energy sp. z o. o. (branch in Slovakia)
    Palarikova 76
    022 01 Cadca / Slovakia
  • GC Energy sp. z o. o. (branch in Netherlands)
    Ceresstraat 13
    4811 CA Breda / Netherlands
  • GC Energy sp. z o. o. (branch in Denmark)
    c/o The House Ryesgade 8 
    8000 Aarhusc / Denmark